Scholarships & Aid
Scholarships & Aid


All UNL Chemistry majors are eligible for the following scholarships. The Chemistry Scholarship Committee meets late in every Spring Semester to examine the performance of all UNL Chemistry majors to determine the awards. Every year, about 30 majors are awarded about $40,000 in scholarships based on the following criteria: academic excellence, need, and any special criteria related to the particular scholarship.

To be eligible for a need-based scholarship, Chemistry majors must fill out the one-page FAFSA form on the UNL Scholarship website.

To help the Scholarship Committee make its assessments, it is helpful for students to complete the application form in the Scholarships and Aid folder on the Chemistry Majors’ Blackboard site. This form provides the Committee with information about your career aspirations, interests and other related records. There are separate application forms available in the Scholarships and Aid folder for the Hach ($6,000) and Upson ($5,000) Awards.

ScholarshipSpecial criteria beyond being a chemistry major
Degering Committed to a career in chemistry, especially medicinal chemistry
Flynn No special criteria
Frankforter* Committed to a career in chemical research
Hach Committed to a career as a high school chemistry teacher
Hendricks No special criteria; may be made to undergraduates or graduates
Hirsch No special criteria; College of Arts and Sciences determines Chemistry's portion of these funds
Jelinek Seniors committed to pursuing graduate work in chemistry or medicine
Kingsbury Awarded in even-numbered years; committed to a career in chemistry; shall have taken or committed to take CHEM 481 Physical Chemistry I
Krogh No special criteria; may be made to undergraduates or graduates
Loerch At the discretion of the UNL Chemistry Scholarship Committee
Nielsen Committed to a career in teaching, or have a secondary interest (or minor) in Music
Sandoz At the discretion of the UNL Chemistry Scholarship Committee.
Schultz1 The applicant must be a sophomore or junior attending a Nebraska college and have declared a major in a natural science discipline (chemistry, physics, biology, geology).
Upson Nebraska resident for not less than 10 years; academic excellence; may be made to undergraduates or graduate students
Weyenberg Graduate of a Nebraska High School
Wilson* No special criteria besides need

*Indicates need-based scholarships.

1Please see current chemistry major advisor for scholarship forms.


Financial support for graduate students includes:

  • Teaching or Research Assistantships for all admitted graduate students as long as satisfactory progress is being made toward a degree.
  • Waived tuition

Fellowships for higher assistantship support are available for outstanding applicants.

Fellowships Offered

All students who apply for admission will automatically be considered for fellowships. Details of a student’s financial support/awards will be provided in the letter of admission. There are also numerous fellowships available through the university and external funding agencies.