Meet Mitchell Milanuk

October 3, 2014

Mitchell Milanuk

Mitchell Milanuk chose UNL because of his family’s rich UNL alumni tradition, and he wanted to stay inside Nebraska. “I actually changed to a chemistry major my first semester because I enjoyed Chem 109, and I knew it would help me with the medical field. My degree coursework has helped me further my knowledge of chemistry and its effects on the human body. It has helped prepare me for medical school by giving me a deep understanding of the mechanisms that occur and how they affect our health.”  Mitchell currently is doing research David Hage’s lab and has most recently won the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award among many others.

 Honors and Awards

Clyde and Elva Weyenberg Scholarship2014-2015
Milton E. Mohr Biotechnology Scholarship2014-2015
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award, Department of Chemistry2013-2014
Dean’s List, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of ChemistryFall 2013
Viola Jelinek Scholarship2013-2014
Dean’s List, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Chemistry Spring 2013
Dr. Cliff Hendricks Memorial Scholarship2012-2013
Dean’s List, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of ChemistrySpring 2012



E. L. Pfaunmiller, J. Anguizola, M. Milanuk, N. Carter, E. Papastavros, R. Matsuda, X. Zheng D. S. Hage, Development and Evaluation of a Microcolumn-Based One-site Immunometric Assay for a Protein Biomarker (2014) accepted Journal of Chromatography A.

E. L. Pfaunmiller, J. Anguizola, M. Milanuk, N. Carter, D. S. Hage, Development and Use of Protein G Microcolumns in Chromatographic-Based Competitive Binding Immunoassays for Protein Biomarkers (2014) submitted


Oral Presentation

Milanuk, M.L., Pfaunmiller, E.L., Hage, D.S. Development and Use of Protein G Microcolumns in Chromatographic-Based Competitive Binding Immunoassays for Protein Biomarkers. Nebraska Academy of Science, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 11, 2014.