2015 Poster Session Winners

by UNL Chemistry Dept.

August 17, 2015

The UNL Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce the results of this year's Poster Session!  Postdoctoral fellows, senior graduate students, beginning graduate students and UNL undergraduate researchers and REU students participated in the Department's annual poster session recognizing summer research accomplishments.

Congratulations to the award winners, and to the many others who participated.  The judges' selections were:

Beginning Graduate Students
1st Place: Michael Stoller
2nd Place: Katherine Schumacher
Honorable Mention: Elliott Rodriguez

Senior Graduate Students
1st Place (tie): Lukasz Gauza & Xiang Zhang
2nd Place: Lei Li
Honorable Mention: Xinqi Zhou

Postdoctoral Fellows
1st Place: Xiwei Zheng
2nd Place: Jun Dai
Honorable Mention: Trisha Vickrey

High School Students
1st Place (tie): Elizabeth Otto & Akshat Saraf
2nd Place: Yousif Ibrahim
Honorable Mention: Trang Hoang

Undergraduate Students
1st Place: Molly Undersander
2nd Place: Riley Giesler
Honorable Mention: Quyen Vu

REU Travel Awards
Brenna Rossi
Joel Monroy
Yamil M. Rodriguez
Julian Kosacki